
Resources & Activities

Activities and resources for teens to use in creating youth-led teen safe driving campaigns at schools in California.

Youth-led activities and resources for reaching the entire student body, parents and the community with smart driving messages in a month-long teen safe driving campaign.

English Campaign Resources
Spanish Campaign Resources
Click here for: 21-Day Teen Safe Driving Challenge

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Teen safe driving activities to get your campaign started
School | Community | Class | Parents/Family


School Activities Description Materials Media/Promotion
Cartoons Create cartoons for school & community news. Pen & Paper Contact media to see if they will publish cartoons.
Chalk the Sidewalk Chalk pictures, statistics & campaign messages on the sidewalk to get attention. Write a pledge & have students sign their names in chalk. Sidewalk Chalk Take pictures of students & pledge for school/local newspaper or post on Facebook.
Wall Mural Put three sheets on the wall and write on the first “Hands on the Wheel”, the second “Eyes on the Road” and “Mind on Driving” on the third. Have students write what they can do to reduce distractions so they can focus on driving. Mural paper, markers and tape. Take pictures of the mural and post on Facebook. Tweet safety suggestions from teens.
Door Decorating Contest Develop rules focusing on your campaign’s messages. Choose contest judges & get donated prizes. Promote participation using a PSA, flyers or posters. Announce winners. Classroom/ cardboard doors, art supplies Contact local media to get coverage. Take pictures to post on schools website, Facebook or Flickr.
News Article/Press Release Write articles for school & community news. Computer Contact media to see if they will publish articles.
Parking Lot Signs Post high visibility signs with safe driving messages. Poster board & paint Contact local media to get coverage for campaign.
Pledge Wall Make a wall using pictures, statistics & campaign messages. Write a pledge & have students promise to change by signing names, trace hands, etc. Cardboard, paper, art materials & markers Take pictures of students & pledge for school/local newspaper or post on Facebook.
Paper Chains Print campaign message on paper template and cut for paper chain links. Have students sign a link. Glue links in a chain and display where it has high visibility. Preprinted, precut paper chain links, glue, tape Take pictures of students & pledge for school/local newspaper or post on Facebook.
Posters & Tray Liners Develop a poster with pictures, statistics & campaign messages.Create cafeteria tray liners to reinforce messages during campaign. Poster board, markers, copier & paper Put posters up through the school. Take pictures & post on Facebook or Flickr.
Progressive Signs Create a 4-line poem and put one line on each sign:“Don’t text & driveYou’re friends can wait
To text & drive
Could seal your fate”
Poster board & markers Use in school newspaper & announcements, or in a Texting campaign.
Bumper Stickers Create or purchase bumper stickers to remind students to avoid distracted driving. Art supplies Take pictures to post on school’s website, Facebook or Flickr.
Morning Announcements Use news about real incidents involving teen drivers. Scripts, school p.a. system Put news articles in school newspaper.
Public Service Announcement (PSA) Develop a 30-second PSA with positive message to get the attention of teens. Make storyboards of 5 – 7 points about the topic & film it. Poster board, markers & video equipment Contact local media to air PSA & post on You Tube & Facebook.
T-Shirt Contest Develop rules focusing on your campaign’s messages. Choose contest judges & get donated prizes & materials. Promote participation using a PSA, flyers or posters. Announce winners. T-shirts & markers or paint Contact local media to get coverage. Take pictures to post on school’s website, Facebook or Flickr.

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Officials Description Materials Media/Promotion
Proclamation Send a letter to a public official requesting a proclamation and follow up to get their commitment. Sample letterSample proclamation Computer and frame for the proclamation. Contact local media to get coverage for a signing ceremony. Take pictures for website, Facebook or Flickr.
Invitations Invite public officials to attend campaign events, assemblies or a press conference. Invitations, stamps Contact local media to get coverage.

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Community Description Materials
Posters Develop a poster with pictures, statistics & campaign messages to place in the windows of local stores. Poster board, markers
Tray Liners Create tray liners to reinforce messages during campaign to be used at fast food restaurants. Copier & paper

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Class Activities

Class Activities Description Materials
Card Game Using a stopwatch see how long it takes a student to sort a deck of cards into 4 piles by suit (hearts, spades, diamonds & clubs). Have another student do the same thing while also asking them to add up numbers in their head. Compare the two times to show that focusing on more than one task reduces the ability to make decisions. Deck of cards, stopwatch & a list of addition questions
Debate Two teams of 2-3 students, one defending & one opposing the campaign message, do research to support their point of view. The debate will include an opening statement, 2-3 main arguments, a rebuttal and a closing statement. None
Crossword Create a crossword puzzle that reinforces safe driving. Copier & paper
Scanning Set Up: 3 flip charts in front of a chair 4 feet away. Draw a road, 6 inches wide, from the bottom to the top of each chart. Draw a circle on the road indicating an oncoming car.Activity: Volunteers #1 & #2 exchange cell numbers. #1 sits in a chairs with a flashlight & scans left, center & right repeatedly. #2 sends a text a funny or interesting message to #1. The flashlight will go all over the place when #1 is reading the message. Discuss with class. Chart papers & stands, flashlight & a chair

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Parents & Family

Parents & Family Description Materials
PSA announcements at sporting events Develop 30 second PSA that can be read by the announcer or students.
Booth at sporting events Have a booth, pledge cards or a pledge wall so family members can sign their names. Cardboard, paper, art materials & makers & paper
Distracted driver survey Observe parents driving to drop off teens or to attend a sporting event & record distracted driving. Survey sheets & pens

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Safety Center offices will be closed on 1/20/2025 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

We will reopen for regular business hours on  01/21/2025.