
Archives: FAQs

When can I get my license back?

Every case is different, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has the sole authority to reissue your license. Call DMV’s Mandatory Actions Unit to learn more about your particular situation at 916-657-6525 (when the automated system answers press 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1). 

Can I attend an online DUI program?

DHCS does not license internet DUI programs.  DUI classes offered via the internet do not meet California’s DUI Program requirements.  Safety Center offers approved Live Virtual Services, Please call for availability 916-438-3360.   

Is Safety Center a California accredited program?

Yes. The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Behavioral Health Licensing and Certification Division, Driving-Under-The-Influence (DUI) Section, licenses and performs compliance monitoring on all DUI programs in California.  Safety Center has been an accredited program for more than 25 years. To find California Accredited programs […]

How much do the Programs cost?

All Program fees are determined by the State of California and vary per County. Program fees for the Counties in which Safety Center provides services are as follows:  At the time of your enrollment, a $300 down payment is required for all programs (with exception […]

Do you have classes that fit my schedule?

We offer classes Monday – Thursday that start as early as 8:15 AM and as late as 7:30 PM*  We offer classes Friday and Saturday from 8:15 AM to 2:00 PM  *PLEASE NOTE: Availability is not guaranteed 

When do the classes take place and how long is each classes?

You will have either an education group, process group or individual session weekly until your program is complete  Education group and process group sessions are two hours   Individual sessions begin with an initial 45 minute session, then are 15 minutes in length thereafter