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July 6, 2017
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Analytic and Forensic Safety
Faulty Assumptions, Erroneous Reasoning and the Illusion of Knowledge
Safety has two main objectives: avoiding the occurrence of unsafe activities/conditions and minimizing their consequences. After an accident comes the investigation and analysis and there are a certain set of criteria that determine whether something is safe or unsafe. Join us on Thursday, July 6, where Jon Moldestad will be covering Analytic and Forensic Safety – where we will be discussing mistakes and errors safety professionals make in decision making and reasoning involving accident investigation and analysis.
Jon Moldestad
Jon P. Moldestad, LLC
Jon has served as an international lecturer, technical consultant and expert witness on such subjects as: accident investigation, hazardous materials management, occupational ergonomics, products liability, safety, security liability, risk management and related issues. Jon has worked extensively in the manufacturing, distribution, construction, and insurance industries as well as having served as the Assistant Safety Director at Stanford University. As a former Naval Engineering Officer, Jon has also had significant experience with diverse and complex engineering systems.
Jon has provided safety, health and loss control services to hundreds of domestic and foreign organizations. Activities ranged from complex hazard analyses to overseeing corporate risk management programs. Significant experience includes: complex accident investigation, construction safety, contingency planning, electrical safety, emergency response, ergonomics, fire protection, hazardous materials management, industrial hygiene, legal aspects of safety, machine guarding, plans review, products liability, regulatory compliance, risk management, safety management, safety training, security, systems safety, and toxicology.
July Meeting Sponsor:

2017 Sacramento Regional Safety Forum Sponsor: