
Event Type: Single Event

Fall Protection – User Level (Day 1)

  • Fall Protection User Level
     March 19, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Fall Protection User Level
     April 23, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Fall Protection User Level
     May 21, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Hands-on fall protection training that covers federal and state personal fall protection system requirements. Explore passive, active, and alternative fall protection systems and learn about the fundamentals of inspections prior to use, proper care, and use of equipment.

All participants must bring lanyard and harness.

This course does not qualify attendee to inspect equipment.
See Fall Protection – Equipment and Inspection Competent Person (Day 2))

Course Location:

Safety Center’s Northern California Campus is located at 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827

**All training course dates, times and/or locations are subject to change.  Note – If there are changes for the training course(s) you have enrolled in, you will be notified as soon as possible. 

Fall Protection – Equipment and Inspection (Competent Person) (Day 2)

  • Fall Protection Equipment and Inspection
     March 20, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Fall Protection Equipment and Inspection
     April 24, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Fall Protection Equipment and Inspection
     May 22, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

An extensive educational experience of fall hazards for workers in construction and general industry. The class includes a discussion and practical application for determining job hazard analyses, proper selection of the correct fall protection systems, and how to design and implement your fall protection plans. The competent person will also engage in hands-on exercises in conducting inspection of personal fall arrest system per ANSI Z359 protocol and for Cal/OSHA required bi-annual inspections.

Prerequisite: Fall Protection, User Level (Day 1) completed within the last year with some experience
*Experience is not required if attending Fall Protection (Day 1 and Day 2) consecutively.

All participants must bring lanyard and harness.

Course Location:

Safety Center’s Northern California Campus is located at 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827

**All training course dates, times and/or locations are subject to change.  Note – If there are changes for the training course(s) you have enrolled in, you will be notified as soon as possible. 

OSHA 7215 – Silica in Construction, Maritime and General Industries

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  • Southern California
     January 31, 2020
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Northern California
     October 16, 2020
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This course covers the development and implementation of controls and strategies to prevent or mitigate silica exposures in construction, maritime, and general industries. Course topics include describing the requirements of OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica standards and recognizing the hazards and risks, assessment options, and exposure control measures associated with silica exposure.

Topics include:

  • Crystalline Silica – Characteristics, Application, Health Effects
  • Exposure Assessment Options
  • Exposure Control Methods (Engineering, Work Practices and PPE)
  • Housekeeping
  • Role of the Competent Person
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Recordkeeping
  • Written Programs (requirements, development exercises and templates)

Course Locations:

Safety Center offers OSHA compliance training as a host site organization for Chabot-Las Positas’s Community College OSHA Training Institute Education Center at our Northern California campus in Sacramento, and UC San Diego’s OSHA Training Institute Education Center at our Southern California campus in Claremont.

Please be sure to choose the location closest to you.

Northern California Southern California
Print 2016University of California San Diego
 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827  109 S. Spring Street, Claremont, CA 91711
Register For Northern California Dates Register For Southern California Dates


Traffic Control & Flagging

  • Traffic Control & Flagging
     March 21, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Traffic Control & Flagging
     April 22, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Traffic Control & Flagging
     May 23, 2025
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This 1-day Traffic Control & Flagging program incorporates the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices  (CA MUTCD) 2014 and covers warning sign placement, proper fundamentals of flagging, moving traffic, and signaling directions used by flaggers. Upon completion of this course, trainees will receive a certificate stating that they have satisfactorily completed training on the CA MUTCD and meet the requirements of CSO 1599.


Course Locations:

  • Safety Center’s Northern California Campus is located at 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827


**All training course dates, times and/or locations are subject to change.  Note – If there are changes for the training course(s) you have enrolled in, you will be notified as soon as possible. 

2020 Symposium – Regulatory Update

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  • 2020 Symposium
     February 6, 2020
     8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Representatives from Cal/OSHA Consultation, Compliance and Standards Board will be on hand to share 2020 regulatory updates.


Afternoon Session:

Is your IIPP Effective? In our afternoon session, Cal/OSHA representatives will be giving an advanced analysis of the elements of the IIPP with a special emphasis on Hazard Recognition.

Limited Seats Available
Advance Registration is Required
Breakfast and Lunch are Included
Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door.


Safety Center – Sacramento Campus
3909 Bradshaw Rd
Sacramento, CA 95827


Sponsored By:

November Forum – The Aging and Changing Workforce

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  •  November 7, 2019
     8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Are you prepared for your workforce’s multi-generational needs? According to the US Census Bureau, the number of people aged 55 and older will increase to 73% by 2020.  With Veterans retiring, Baby Boomers holding the largest employment, Gen-Xers moving up the ranks and Millennials coming into the workforce, the need for co-existence rises. Learn what makes each generation “tick”. Through interactive discussion, this session will cover generational perspectives, training, and learning styles.

Join us as we discuss:

– Social & Economic Concerns

  • Labor shortages
  • Healthcare
  • Retirement

– Statistics

  • Why we work
  • Employer preference
  • Employee preference

– Generational Training

  • Veterans
  • Baby Boomers
  • Gen-Xers
  • Millennials

– Learning Styles

  • Veterans
  • Baby Boomers
  • Gen-Xers
  • Millenials

– Myths vs. Reality

– Other Needs

December Forum – Active Shooter Prevention and Response

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  •  December 5, 2019
     8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Would you know what to do if the unthinkable happened?  This course is specifically designed for people who want to better understand how to protect themselves from intense acts of violence. Our M.O.V.E.™ program, is an “options based” protocol that provides a powerfully simple strategy that can help you survive all types of violence by giving you the knowledge and confidence to respond in violent situations.

Objective:  Learning to identify the pre-incident indicators of an “Active Shooter” and review strategies for responding should a violent incident occur.

Core Content:  

  • Personal Safety
    • Managing fear and anxiety
    • Developing a plan before an incident occurs
  • Strategies for preventing an Active Shooter
    • Recognizing the pre-incident indicators
    • Leveraging reporting options and resources
  • Surviving an “Active Shooter:
    • Introduction to the M.O.V.E options based response protocol



Kenneth Carr, PhD, M.A.O.B.

Dr. Carr is a principle consultant for Alvarez Associates LLC and
Adjunct Professor of Clinical and Forensic Psychology at
Northcentral University.

Dr. Carr is a professional educator and trainer who is considered a
subject matter expert in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology
and Administration of Justice. His specialties are in Domestic &
Intimate Partner Violence and Crisis Intervention Training. He has
additional education and training in Organizational Behavior and has
instructed in Essentials of Security courses with a focus on security
measures to reduce risk through management and asset protection.


October Forum – Protection from Wildfire Smoke – Emergency Regulation

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  •  October 3, 2019
     8:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Join us at the Sacramento Regional Safety Forum for a discussion on Wildfire Safety and the new standard with a representative from Cal/OSHA.


Juan A. Calderon

District Manager Cal/OSHA Enforcement Outreach Coordination Program Unit

June 2011 through September 2014 District Manager San Francisco District Office Enforcement

February 2005 through May 2011 District Manager Fremont/San Jose District Office Enforcement

July 2000 through January 2005 Associate Safety Engineer Oakland District Office Enforcement

September Forum – Crisis Management: Preparing for the Unexpected

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  •  September 5, 2019
     8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Join us on Thursday, September 5, for a discussion on Crisis Management.

Topics include:

  • Assessing and ranking crisis risks.
  • Developing a to-do list for response.
  • Creating a crisis response team.


Fred Walter

Fred Walter represents employers in OSHA compliance matters and “serious & willful misconduct” claims.  He is admitted to practice in all California courts, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Fred and his firm work with employers, general counsel, safety directors, risk managers and human resources administrators defending OSHA citations, as well as assisting them in developing compliant written safety programs and supervising safety audits. He leads the firm’s crisis management practice, providing legal advice and representation during and after critical events.

He is the co-author, with his partner, Lisa Prince, of the “Workplace Safety” chapter of the California State Bar publication “Advising California Employers and Employees.” In his spare time he writes for the firm’s blog site.

August Forum – Bloodborne Pathogens

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  •  August 1, 2019
     8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Join us for the August Forum where we will be discussing Bloodborne Pathogens. This talk will cover Cal/OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens regulation, 8 CCR Section 5193, and a review of some frequently asked questions. We will discuss which employers are covered, required written programs, hazard assessments, recordkeeping, and training. There will be time for questions and answers at the end.


Patrick Corcoran MPH, CIH

Patrick Corcoran MPH, CIH is a senior industrial hygienist with Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Service.  Mr. Corcoran has 19 years’ experience with Cal/OSHA, including 5 years as Cal/OSHA’s Training Coordinator. As Training Coordinator he was responsible for all aspects of training and professional development for Cal/OSHA’s compliance officers and consultants.  He has taught in Cal/OSHA’s internal courses on Bloodborne Pathogens, Aerosol Transmissible Diseases, and Workplace Violence in Healthcare.  He spent more than 11 years in Cal/OSHA Enforcement where his duties included conducting investigations of fatalities, accidents, complaints, and programmed visits involving health care employers.  He works as a part-time faculty member at California State University, Sacramento where he teaches courses in Occupational Health and Occupational Safety & Health Laws and Regulations. His hobbies include trying to keep up with his three kids.